Tuesday 28 January 2014

Thought Picnic: The Nourishment of Irksomeness and Hunger

Tales of the past
The small agonies of yesterday were promptly erased today as all the dread became stories retold to mirth and laughter.
My colleague arrived to pick me up at the Bed & Breakfast in the morning and returned me safely at the close of the day.
I could not help but observe this morning that despite the available parking spaces in various car parks around the office campus there were people who looked quite able-bodied that plunked their cars on the kerb talking up space on the pavements in what appeared as a lack of consideration for others.
Kippered and smacked
In my view facilities management should take a more disciplined stance towards this abuse, a radical rethink of campus requirements and provision is more than necessary, it is as essential as it is critical.
One has the good mind of picking up all those badly packed cars and hanging them up, front-down like kippers just slightly beyond the jumping reach of their respective owners until they were penitently reformed.
Testing and trying
We had our Starbucks breaks and a time of productive engagement before we had another conference to clarify a number of issues that arose from our conference last Thursday.
My patience was tested with the persnickety requirements of security to fill in some detail in the access badge forms, it was with great restraint that I wrote an email to remediate the situation; that was my third visit to reception where helpfulness was in seriously short supply.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is a system that could be so simple, but has been complicated by atrocious process and timewasting to suggest the activity is useful, needful and wonderful. I could add no more to that.
I shrink
Yet as I plan to retire tonight, I realise I am in a real Bed & Breakfast, far away from civilisation on a farm where the road is pitch black in the dark with dragons lurking in the gutters ready to grab at you if you dare wander the half mile down the road to the busy main road that begs to be crossed with the risk losing a limb.
Breakfast is good, lunch is ordinary and it is to bed with just a milk drink for supper. I am beginning to shrink and fade away – what am I saying? I just downed a can of Dunn’s River Nurishment, vanilla flavour, this time, I also like the banana flavour too.
Good night!

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