Friday 3 January 2014

Nigeria: Presumed Substandard Tyonex HIV/AIDS ARV Drugs Removed From Circulation

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I received this picture on Twitter earlier.
I am pleased to read that the concerns raised about SubStandard HIV/AIDS ARV drugs have registered with NAFDAC and they have taken appropriate action to suspend with immediate effect all the ARVs manufactured by Tyonex Nigeria Limited.
I first wrote about this in November and then when I got hold of the said drugs in December I posted another blog and wrote to NAFDAC about the issue
Obviously, NGOs have been clamouring about this for months and to have a letter acting on the issue is a very successful outcome for all those whose vulnerability has somewhat been abused by failings in the drug administration system.
There is much work to be done to build on this success, it is however wonderful news.

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