Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Birthday Renewal Invitation Anniversary Nativity - VII

Every day we work at it

It wasn’t as I had hoped and planned, to spend this special day with an extraordinary man from afar; who has been the main participant in the most exhilarating time I have had in my life for the past 18 months.
A long-distance relationship with all its strains, constraints, and inconveniences that we have worked through with communication, encouragement and hope, leads us on to the expectation of greater and more wonderful things to come.
From my heart, I pray so fervently for the fulfilment of dreams well beyond anything we could have ever imagined, as we are astounded and astonished by goodness, mercies and favours from near and afar that heaps blessing upon blessing on his life.
Happy Birthday, Brian
To this man whose smile lights my world and sets my heart on fire with unquenchable love, I wish the happiest of birthdays and this the beginning of better, more beautiful ones to come.
I have never loved anyone like I have loved this man Brian and I look to the day when there will be no distance between us, when the sun shall not set on any time apart, when we seal it with more than a kiss to live happily together, free to explore the whole world as our oyster.
Dear Brian, much as I hoped that we would spend this day celebrating together, I am no less thrilled for you and about you, you mean the world to me and when all is said and done, I know I have been loved so deeply beyond words or deeds can fully express, many happy returns of the day, my dear, my man, my love.
Happy birthday!!!
The 7 days of falling in love

Brian, you're the best, the very best, have a wonderful day, I am so in love with you, darling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to yours. Sending you both love and light.

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