Saturday 6 January 2007

Enlisting the dead for Iraq

Increasing the pain

No greater pain can be inflicted on those who have lost their loved ones in the Iraqi war having first received condolence letters from Donald Rumsfeld that he could not be bothered to sign before there was an outcry, the troop numbers are now so stretched that they are calling on the dead to reenlist.

For those who believe in life after death, this takes the war to a new dimension; for a Ministry of Defense that has the most sophisticated computer systems not to have a very basic database of the dead to ensure that the wrong kind of communication is not sent to those who have survived the ones that have paid the ultimate price.

I would hope that the Army surge that President Bush is contemplating excludes the figures for those dead, wounded or incapacitated.

As usual, this would be blamed on computers rather than the cretins in charge who have not been meticulous in their duties.

No! Computers cannot take the rap for stupidity – garbage in, garbage out.


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