Tuesday 10 December 2013

Decade Blogs - Waffarian - Just Another Day

Decade Blogs
I was in a hospital, very ill and in too much pain, I was already off morphine because I could not keep my food down, but from my netbook connected through my mobile phone blogged as much as I could about my condition, my thoughts and other issues.
She was reading my blogs in another country, and that is how she became my friend, first through conversations on the phone as I resisted getting familiar through when she visited me in recovery and then I was able to visit her much later the next year.
Whimsical, funny and humorous, with nothing taken out, she writes for my decade of blogging about a typical day in the life of, just like you and I.
You can read her blogs here.
Please read on.
A decade of blogging. I thought about writing a cute little story for you Akin. But my own blog has been a space where I have been able to write my nonsense, as you know. It would be dishonest of me to all of a sudden whip out a cute post for you so I am going to also leave piece of my madness in your space. Ha ha!
Here’s the kind of stuff I write on my blog. For many, it makes no sense. For me, it relieves me of the many thoughts that spin around in my head. Enjoy (and do not take out the profanity, I have taken over your space, so swallow it):
Today started out…as usual. I woke up in the usual silence that my apartment offers. The books scattered on the floor made me wince. I knew a hefty sum would be waiting for me at the library. I wondered if they would agree to me opening some sort of credit account over there. It’s a shame, really. It’s a handicap. To keep borrowing books and never return them while people wait in line…terrible.
I dragged myself off my bed and made some coffee. Who lives like this? I kicked some more books and found my slippers under the bed. I peeped through the curtains. Shit. Snow.
The many promises I made to myself are somewhere in this room. In the dustbin, under the bed, under the books.
I laid out my clothes on the bed for the day.  A childhood habit that crops up from time to time.  I wish my other habits from my childhood would appear. Where did all that discipline and character disappear to?
I put on my clothes and looked around once more. Keys. Where are the keys?
The walk to the train station was boring. As usual. One leg after another. I scowled at a couple holding hands and trying to maneuver their way around some slippery spots. Jesus! Let go of your hands for some seconds. Endangering the lives of others on the sidewalk with their hand holding business.
I walked into the café by the metro. I bought a cup of coffee like I usually do for my underground journey.
I sat down heavily on a vacant sit. The man opposite me starred into the distance, his eyes also vacant.
A new day had begun.

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