Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas & New Year Greetings

This Christmas and beyond
Dear friends, acquaintances, well-wishers, fans, followers, people and you are many who have crossed my path and blessed me with your presence, engagement, conversation, interaction and much else.

May the joy of Christmas,
the story of happiness, wellness,
and peace be yours.
Let the New Year of 2014,
bring the fulfilment of dreams,
amazing adventure,
new experiences,
fun and laughter.

It has been a long year, and I have everything to be grateful for, old friends, new friends, new places, adventure, work plenty and work unavailable, in means and in little, being myself more and enjoying the things I do. I am blessed.
I have benefitted from such generosity that humbles me, in help, in encouragement, in kind, in love shown unconditionally, in kindness offered without reservation, you all have been the wind beneath my wings, you made me soar.
On Twitter, I gained over a third more followers and met new people, on Facebook, the banter ranged from levity to robust and serious, my blog reached a milestone, a decade of blogging.
 My Blog

I am five birthdays after a cancer diagnosis and my eye is not dimmed in the things I expect and hope for, there is a life to live out there and with as much strength as I have had, I have engaged in the pursuit of happiness with vigour.
I am thankful to God, yes, my beliefs do sustain me.
Thank you and here’s to a better year and future ahead of us.

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