Saturday 20 March 2010

A hermit in Amsterdam

The other day, just before I woke up, I was dreaming I had a guest, he rang my bell – we have a main entrance video call system, I observed who it was and heard him say – Hello Akin; I let him in but I do not remember opening the door to my apartment to him.
All the while I was thinking it was Dick, but I do not remember seeing anyone looking like him and thankfully the voice I heard on the entry-phone was not as distinct as his.
However, somewhere within me, I was glad I had a guest – I didn’t, I somehow live like a hermit whose connection to the world is maintained by the Internet, telephony and television.
This morning again, I thought about calling up someone to visit and then I realised I did not really have anyone to call, the person I would have called had long gone, a memory only – he remains.
Then you wonder …

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