Sunday 7 March 2010

Avoiding suddenness

Abrupt triggers

Apparently, what I triggered on Wednesday has not fully abated, the trigger being the removal of my pain management patch.

The re-introduction of pain management has reduced the salivation considerably but the nuisance lingers, but worst still is the diarrhoea and stomach pains which have had a very adverse effect on my appetite.

It would appear every change in my medication would have to follow a gradual reduction rather than some shock treatment that hopes on the preponderance mind over body and matter.

Work or will?

On Friday, the welfare office called to determine whether I am ready for work or still ill; I am ready for work but have nowhere near the strength to enter into full employment, the fact is the discontinuance of chemotherapy does not present the immediacy of full recuperation.

I have to patiently learn to adjust myself to a gradual assimilation into a workplace rather than jumping in with both feet.

To test that situation, I visited some ex-colleagues on Friday from late afternoon till closing, they had sent me a get well card at hospital when two of my closest ex-colleagues visited even though I had left the employ of that company for a year.

18 months after, I did look quite trim and fit to many who saw me along with the stories I had to tell about my experiences, I was there for just over 3 hours but it took a bit out of me.

Out and back again

The Friday was also the monthly get-together of staff for drinks and snacks; after chatting a while with my ex-boss, I needed a long sit down, I was so pleased when I was offered a lift back home, I wondered if I would have been able to make it back if I had to run the gauntlet of public transport.

Today, I got up early for the 1st service at church, I got there just in time but had the runs and great discomfort throughout the service and all the way back home on the bus and tram.

It settled down a bit as the evening came and I took advice concerning the letter that arrived from the welfare office that suggested I apply for sick benefits in the meanwhile.

In any case, whenever a job turns up, I am ready to get back to work, I might need to chat to my doctor about supplements and advice for post-chemotherapy recovery and helping to recover and boost ones immune system after all the treatment I have had.

Looking forward to the next week, the kitchen timer just went off, better get that before it becomes ashes to ashes.

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