Tuesday 13 June 2006

Stealthily from Camp David to Camp Al-Nasr

Here Before, There Now

Only this morning I heard Mr George Bush was meeting in Camp David to discuss the war situation in Iraq, then now, he is in Iraq.

I was not aware that the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) programme was so advanced that he only has to say “Beam me up the Green Zone”.

The state of affairs in Iraq and Afghanistan shows how precarious things are that important personalities cannot announce their visits in advance.

For one, I would not be doing dinner in Iraq, seems more people get killed in Iraq each day than cows see the abattoir – if ever I had to eat, it would be strictly vegetarian.

I would assume there would be no Mission Accomplished razzmatazz but landing at Camp Victory (Al-Nasr) does not mean victory is anywhere in sight in Iraq! We wait for the day when State visits can announced and planned ahead of time to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and North Korea.

Day Dreaming AGAIN!!!

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