Sunday 26 April 2020

For those without a care

Then I found something
Out the apparent lack of inspiration for anything to write today, when one would have thought the expanse of it could easily provide myriad opportunities to craft the silly to the serious many times over, I found something to muse about.
My slow consumption of The Week magazines that I have on subscription yielded something of interest. That I am still 5 issues behind the current one should neither be a study on procrastination nor propriety. I am on retreat and so the shuffling through old magazines can be a leisurely act, as I am reading curated opinions and insights rather than the news.

In a lighter mood
The consumer page usually presents sections titled, ‘New cars: what the critics say’, with three reviews, ‘The best … any product, accessory, tool, or gadget of interest’, ‘Tips of the week …’, and ‘Where to find …’. Between the last two is the whimsical ‘And for those who have everything …’ which is everything you probably expect to it to be.
I guess it is written for those of a rather leisurely disposition without a care for the cares and concerns that dog everyday life. Though, I do wonder if this particular object of distraction and attraction will present a sense of welfare or safety for the time and times.
An illicit affair, maybe
We are presented with the Lady Arpels Pont des Amoureux Jour watch from the Love Stories collection of Van Cleef & Arpels French luxury outfit. The hand movement of the watch is unusual as it is a scene for a lovers’ rendezvous on a bridge, the gentleman dawdling as a minute-hand back and forth with the top of the hour at the middle of the bridge. The lady, however, takes her time as the hour hand arriving at a dalliance only at noon and midnight.
Bejewelled with precious stones, the function of time is lost to the extravagance of the setting, it might be both something exquisite as it can be quite vulgar. For those who normally can’t keep to time whilst wearing the most expensive watches, this is an opportunity to flash your wares in all its vanity for others to ogle either out of envy and the covetous need to acquire one to the detriment of all else or incredulity of wondering why anyone would deport that much to a vaunted trinket.
One would not in any case begrudge anyone who finds comportment in this choice of accessory or apparel, but an eye-watering £110,000 must come with adequate insurance and security without the possibility of flirting with your mistress on a bridge where the mysterious presages fearful consequences. Even if I had no care in the world, I doubt I would spend any time in this shop.

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