Wednesday 22 April 2020

Thought Picnic: Traversing the universes of the mind

Deep calling upon deep
As human beings we are a mystery unexplained and sometimes too complex and indecipherable to comprehend. The physical we see does not begin to plumb the depths of our nature, our thoughts, and our inclinations.
In the world of dreams the mind travels beyond the realms of the possible to universes of experiences unfathomable. The people who crowd into the movies of our subconscious bridging the expanses of time and space that is it impossible to fully relate or remember.
The stuff of dreams
That I have covered amazing distances in incredible leaps or flown like a superhero between continents is not so much a strange thing. Traversing the worlds of the natural and the supernatural with superhuman abilities display the unlimited expanse of the imagination only trammelled by the extent to which we can afford to be curious.
Whilst it might be alarming to some, that at the same time and place, voices and faces of the long departed, the knowing present and the unknown future can play in conversation, admonition or the creation of new experiences is a wonder that words can never fully explain. I have fought in my dreams and talked loudly in some, caught up in battles I can never understand how I got into but given the means to win through.
Dimensions unmeasurable
I cannot afford to be afraid of the power of my mind to conjure and to compel, they are gifts of the subconscious we all have to gain strength to surmount things we heretofore would never have had the courage to face.
A human alive is a mystery and through trial and tribulation, there is a force of hope, the assurance of faith and the power of love to take us beyond the ethereal existence of dreams to a reality that is the stuff of miracles come true.

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