Wednesday 8 April 2020

Dreamscape: In the shut-eye world

Sleepy follows
I sit quietly observing nothing, in particular, just caught up in my thoughts as the threat of slumber looms. The quarantine period is sending my body clock into a soporific daze, I have to convince myself I am not narcoleptic.
Then, the sleep did catch me away, I was on my settee just as my period of meditation slipped into the unaware, a dreamy world taking to places I had been before. Everything looked safe on the path I chose before a man looking menacingly at me decided to lunge at me with a knife in his hand. I felt myself draw in a deep breath and kick at his weaponised hand.
Acting out a thing
The crashing at the impact of my kick was my centre table kicked about a metre away, things on the tabletop and on the shelves below, strewn on the floor. I guess that was my first observation of movement from within my sleep demonstrated in the physical.
From within vivid dreams, I do at times speak out loud, I have apparently kicked my partner out of bed completely unaware of my sudden skill at Thai boxing. I wonder if I should be bothered or see it as par for the course.
As for my reflexes, a flea, a fly or a mosquito hovers within sight, I wave my hand closing it as a fist over the insect and I want to believe it has been caught and killed, it isn’t in my hand or caught between my fingers and it has disappeared somehow. If I thought I was a magician or an illusionist, I haven’t convinced myself enough to offer it as a party trick.

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