Thursday 19 March 2020

The augur in waters from within

Not a job to relish
I cannot say whether it is a benefit or not, but 16 years of blogging does end up creating a body of reference material and I cannot honestly say it is a journal, as everything is recorded from ideas, musings, mood, event, opinion, and nonsense. I doubt anyone would relish the idea of cataloguing my blog if we can first agree on the categories or just file it all under nonsense.
When I fell ill with the water infection part of the symptoms that endured for weeks was weakness, the loss of strength or capacity to do the simple things. It became convenient to pass water into a bucket and movements were not occurring for days.
Now, I remember that the second blog I wrote from the hospital over a decade ago was about the same thing, where I also referred to how my treatment was going. There probably is no originality to writing about it as everyone does it, it is so passé that no one notices anything about it too.
Making a sensory diagnosis
However, when a diagnosis is being made, besides the phlebotomies, that is what they want to have a look at, so you pass the first rush into a container and I don’t know what happens next. Hold it up to the light or check the pH along with other laboratory jinks; a type of cataloguing ensues.
When a doctor called to assess my condition, the bucket routine became useful because before my friend poured it away, he thought the odour was quite foul and then the colour was a bit dark. That along with my feverish condition laboured breathing, and pain around the waist, led her to decide I did need an ambulance to take me to hospital.
Yet, a job to relish
The bucket served the purpose for much longer and when I began to notice sediments at the bottom of the bucket, as urine is the excretion of water-soluble chemicals, it would appear the dissolved salts and compounds had settled and formed a layer of hardened material that was difficult to shift without a decent scrubbing with bleach and disinfectants. [Urine – Wikipedia]
It is then you realise there is much medical science in the study of urine, called urinalysis and there is no need to go into that much detail. If anything, I should drink more water besides what I learnt that cranberry juice is quite good for water infections.

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