Monday 2 March 2020

In my life, I love you more

You need to know this,
Much as it has been said before,
Lest your wandering thoughts go amiss,
It is you that I adore.
The way you make me feel,
No one has ever come this close,
Lest a jealous thing ever does appeal,
It is you that I chose.
Why must you ever fear?
Assuming so quick you were wrong,
Lest you said something quite so cavalier,
It is you that’s my song.
With you in my life,
Not ever have I felt happier,
Lest you think we are prone to strife,
It is you that I desire.
Love is the matter,
For long I had the thirst,
Lest I could love another better,
Just know you’re the best.
In my life - Songwriters: John Lennon / Paul McCartney

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