Saturday 14 March 2020

I would rather be in Cape Town

Comfortable in my stride
One cannot say that the Coronavirus pandemic has given one the opportunity to be a hermit for I am quite predisposed to that kind of living if alone. I could remember times when I lived in Amsterdam that I may not leave my apartment for a week without thinking anything of it.
My apartment then had large windows and a vista from the 7th floor that looked over two old harbours. There was no fear of obstruction except in nightmarish dreams where the harbours became reclaimed land. It was a wonderful 10 and a half years of my story.
Here in Manchester, I can easily sequester myself like Miss Havisham from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the clocks, however, are still ticking away, though the window blinds are down. I do wonder if my friends who call when asking what the weather is like are doing that to break me out of my comfortable sense of seclusion to force me to interact with the world.
A view to social distancing
Yet, one must be careful to take cognisance of what is happening out there, having a clear awareness of my vulnerability, I have to review my social requirements, visit a restaurant, the possibility of going to the cinema or attending a theatre show requires more planning or none at all.
I sent a tweet to my church yesterday asking about their arrangement for social distancing. We have adopted the Hindu greeting stance of clasping hands prayerfully and bowing to each other saying Namaste, and a notice has been placed on the church website removing wine from the communion. With certain other places closing places of worship, I do wonder if I should overcome my desire to be in church tomorrow and just take a walk around my block.
Take in your arms, Cape Town
Brian suggested, we find a bunker together to quarantine ourselves and enjoy our own crazy, accompanied with pictures of me pulling his ears and one where I am apparently wearing his underwear on my head. The silly things we get up to.
It has put South Africa on my mind, the truth is, my heart is there, in Cape Town, the pictures playing back in the film studio of my imagination; the walk from our apartment to the V&A Waterfront. Cape Town is synonymous with our relationship, we see ourselves there, together, and thriving.
Then, I step out to get my mail to find that my South African Airways Voyager card has arrived. To think that I applied for this in May last year, the letter is dated the 22nd of October and it arrived on the 14th of March in the UK. I have many adjustments to make to understand, appreciate, and settle down in Africa.
Ultimately, that is where I want to be with Brian whilst keeping open the options to do many other things around the world. The most important thing, for now, is to avoid being perturbed by the situation out there, we have much to live for and I am doing my best with what I have.

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