Thursday 11 June 2020

Thought Picnic: It's a life thing

Adjusting horizons

Many people wake up to a day that goes slow, even so, that it is boring. They go to work feeling already exhausted and unexcited about things. This goes through a rinse and repeat with such regularity that the routine becomes the constant refrain.
To another, the day is but a day, one of many of which the least exciting is just one out of otherwise better days and that is how to set our perspective. So, when it was opined that workplace lethargy had not yet set in, the obvious response had to be, “It’s a life thing, not a place thing.”
Today of all days
We would not enjoy everything we do, where we are or how things are done, but we can decide that it does not begin to define our outlook and cloud our prospects. It is not a case of having an unnecessarily sunny disposition predicated on vacuous optimism, drudgery should not make life look like a forgery.
Experience suggests the mindset accounts for most of how we tackle issues, challenges, setbacks, or triumphs. A sense of gratitude regardless of circumstances remains a way to count one’s blessings whilst preventing or avoiding despair. I do not say it is simple, but where you keep your peace when you have nothing good to say or contribute and decline the access to murmuring, grumbling, and complaining.
Look up and look ahead
The battle is in the mind, if things are not going right, do not slip into letting things go wrong. I walk through to a better situation, I have hope even when it seems hopeless, I set expectations to comprehend and complement beyond the extant. Today is the day we have, but life has a bigger timeframe, we make the best of the day and in the scheme of things, one bad day is not the totality of a good life.
Keep living, It’s a life thing, not a place thing.

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