Sunday 28 June 2020

Neighbours and wine

Everybody needs good neighbours

This afternoon, I was ready to go out for a walk having had a soaking bath, I expected the weather to have improved. When I stepped out, it was wet and drizzling, not wishing to run the gauntlet of inclement weather, I returned indoors to watch old episodes for Columbo.
In aid of good neighbourliness and social interaction, I have met with my neighbours in the village complex courtyard for drinks, for about 6 weekends. Wine and port, biscuits and cheese, a lot of conversation, some banter, and laughs.
Today, we met indoors, a table set up in our shared corridor and two glasses of port or rather the South African variant, Cape Ruby, later, I was not tipsy, but I had enough to make me feel a bit sleepy in the head.
Sometimes, you wonder what you need to do in a day to make it eventful and worthwhile, then you realise, it does not really matter if you make the best of the moments and cherish the company you have. For that alone, we are grateful, and we can chalk it down as a fulfilling weekend.

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