Monday 8 June 2020

The kids are not for kidding

Pretty much annoyed

The infuriating stance of an ambush is the stock in trade of one whose inability to recognise the need to take others into confidence and consideration on matters for which resource and means would be desired.
To have suffered skirmishes of this sort without remedy or remediation is not just taxing but frustrating. You decline to be confrontational even when it is called for, deferring and genuflecting in the hope that reticence and reluctance would convey a message that words have failed to attempt.
Don’t kid the kids
The generational baton is held tight in geriatric obstinacy with the expectation that each command gets commensurate and submissive attention and acquiescence. The terms of this game are changing as the words hit the page.
How we selfishly forget that the quality of cultivated relationships from forebear to descendant presents the template for them to engage the world. Defy the laws of courtesy in managing that flow and strip them of autonomy, agency, and the ability to hold their heads high because the frame of reference is poor.
After the entreaty of interlocutors and intermediaries, if not at one’s wit's end, one can confidently say there is neither obligation nor responsibility to fulfil. If you cannot be respected, then nothing should be expected. It is not a transaction; it is virtue parents must learn by adaptation or coercion.

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