Saturday 13 June 2020

Cent jours de blogs

Chucking in the bricks

I would not have thought it possible and I would neither put it down to discipline nor determination, it just happened, and this is one of those blogs celebrating a landmark of the inconsequentially mundane.
For a personal blog that is not for profit, not for profession validation, without an agenda, or set up to influence or promote a brand, to have written at least a blog a day for 100 days in a row is probably an achievement and maybe it is not. It was only in April after over 16 years that I managed to write a blog for every day in a calendar month and then repeated that feat in May.
Checking all the bricks
It does not get any easier to do, there are days when I am only minutes from midnight before I post something, that I get to post early in the day is not guarantee of multiple posts for that day. I am however happy to get something out no matter how irrelevant and idiotic it might be. Some might say I am able to blog with effortless ease; nothing could be further from the truth.
Whatever the case, it feels good to note it and there is a possibility that it might happen again. Thank you for coming by and reading my blog. All the best and Godspeed.

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