Wednesday 24 June 2020

Ease yourself out of false propaganda of safety

What a hot day

We had a sizzling sweltering day today, the heat entering every nook and corner around the house without as much as a breeze outside. Yet, there was no better way than to shave with cold water from scalp to facial hair and then go a long walk in the shade.
Out towards Castlefield again I went, another route to see something else, sit by the wharf festooned with narrowboats, people out on the grass like a good summer’s day, maybe a picnic but not barbecues, it was like nothing was on their minds that has been on our minds for about 4 months.
Can’t trust this government
The government gives us an upbeat message about easing the lockdown and that things should open up and we can go back to the way things were. The truth is the government has no idea of what the virus is doing because they are not testing enough, there is no effective track and trace, the scientists are not singing from that hymn sheet and we had better be hearing the right tune.
We must exercise the abundance of caution, be wise and instinctive, what does not need to be done does not have to be done. Whilst we should not be paranoid, we must keep informed seeking out the smarter heads a long way away from the propaganda machinery of Downing Street.
You face a Coronavirus pandemic as this, not with the hubris, bluster and bombast of Boris Johnson, the braggadocio and swagger with which his government handled this virus has left 43,000 people dead. Individuals with names, families, friends, colleagues and connections to our world of significance beyond the statistics. Keep that in mind and keep safe.

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