Sunday 10 May 2020

Thought Picnic: In the travails of story templates

Scheme for the tale
Between intentions and activity, I began writing parts of my story sometime last year, but never really gained that much traction beyond the toddler through preschool into nursery years. It would appear I am stuck on what would be the best approach to the narrative, from the eyes of the contemporary looking back or the contemporaneous situating myself back in the time, reliving the experiences.
I would think there would be flashbacks, recollections, reflections and derivations from insight and hindsight to contend with, to give the story the life I hope it would have when done. Then, there is the matter of the box of pictures in the Netherlands that I need to collect, they should serve as a useful aide-memoire to events in time.
Playing with excess ingredients
Another thing that concerns me are the memories of encounters with their significances that usually come out of conversations I have with friends and Brian. It has prompted me to have a notebook beside me, because there is a possibility that these things have legs as part of that story.
It might be left to an editor to decide what to develop or what to leave out that does not contribute to the quality or context of the story. Then, I consider the many blogs I have written about my life realising that a good deal of some of the things I have discussed have never been written about. Far from being scandalous, there is a form of words that could take them from the mundane to the racy, only to make you blush after the fourth reading of the passage.
Some secrets I should keep for the mystique; if I have any left, or for the raconteuring, if needed to entertain an audience. The last hurdle I need to leap over is gaining confidence in long-form writing. My blogs are usually short, a story is a much longer thread of thoughts weaving in and out into something engaging, interesting, or both.

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