Tuesday 5 May 2020

#Coronavirus: They cannot spin out of the fact that 29,491 people have died

The numbers do not lie
There is no need for extraneous analysis, just the facts of the numbers that do not lie and for all the sophistry, bombast, jingoism, exceptionalism, optimism that my government can offer with their deft prowess at spin and propaganda, the Coronavirus pandemic does not do bullshit.
Today, 693 souls were added to the dead, bringing those who perished at the ravaging menace of the pandemic to 29,491 people. This is now the highest in Europe, exceeding the Italian carnage by 113 and we were supposedly 4 weeks ahead of Italy for planning purposes and the same time behind not to suffer their tragedies. [BBC News]
 Courtesy of COVID19LIVE.INFO
The magnitude of the pandemic massacre is concerning, but the other figure for all sorts of reasons apart from death rates for confirmed testing running at 15.1% compared to Belgium’s 15.9%, more people are recovering everywhere except for the UK and the Netherlands.
A dearth of talent
I want to wish that in the time of the greatest need for competence, leadership, truth, and direction, the government of Boris Johnson has everything to face down this disaster even if in my view none of that cohort has any redeeming virtue of conduct or example.
Yet, the numbers do not lie, if as we have been told, time and again, they have been following the science that has been unable to save lives and where for whatever reason only 3.2% have been tracked to recovery.
It makes you wonder how long we can tolerate this travesty before there is an insurrection. The convenient slogan of Stay Home, Protect The NHS, Save Lives can only keep us sane, reasonable, and docile before we need good answers for the tough questions.
The way they see us
It is obvious when our policies and decisions are looked at from outside the UK, that we should have been staying home much earlier than the government decided, but having thought the public will not respond to that entreaty the government projected their penchant for dishonesty, lying, untrustworthiness, and hubris on us with the fear we would not trust them and so far, they still cannot be trusted.
Protecting the NHS would have been easier if the Brexit campaign promise of £350 million a week as plastered on their red campaign bus was true. They starved it of funds and readied it for privatisation leaving it at risk of being overwhelmed by the pandemic as tests and protection became a logistical catastrophe exposing the utter ineptitude of this government.
Blood on their dirty hands
Lives would definitely have been saved from infection by the Coronavirus if the government had acted sooner rather than attempt to bullshit their way through a threat that was more than a warning in February and a reality cutting a swathe through our population when a bumbling, fumbling, mumbling, stumbling, and crumbling buffoonery of an oaf flippantly said we should take it on the chin.
For each of the lives lost to the Coronavirus, especially those of frontline staff and the people left unprotected for so long in care homes, their blood is on the hands of these vampires, a war crime has been committed against the British through arrogance and rank incompetence, I hope we will not succumb to momentary amnesia when those responsible for this are called to account.

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