Wednesday 6 May 2020

A blog of no pretension

Nothing to scribble
I picked up my laptop following the thought of let's write a blog. Nothing followed that thought as I began to type because I really do not know what to write about. The many thoughts coursing through my mind do not present the fulcrum on which to lever a useful writeup without it ending up as banal.
Yet, this is how blogs have started off at the instigation of a whim, the fear of repeating myself for the umpteenth time or the concern that my contribution to a topic is not original, but follows the crowds of opinion like a mob in a stampede running relentlessly in the direction of a cliff to fall headlong to their deaths.
Waiting to exhale
What gives is this, I am in a waiting game, listening for a starting gun, whilst the starting blocks are being picked up by someone else who needs to deliver them to the track. Meanwhile, I need to occupy my time earning a crust on the avoidance of twiddling thumbs.
Having written this much without an idea of what to write about, I have if you would agree completed a blog about nothing whilst revealing what it takes to put words down and not get too anxious or stressed about the result. As I am not being paid to blog and it would be published where I have full control, being under no pressure to deliver is a blessing in disguise.
Eventually, there might be an inspiration for another blog, but this one is done.

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