Wednesday 11 April 2007

The Brit babes do cry in Persia

It will get worse

I had just left a comment on Chxta’s World that this saga of naval personnel selling their stories could not get any worse. On reflection, I did somewhat anticipate this media frenzy in my first write-up on this matter.

Here is what I said then in Stripping the “Great” out of Britain on the 4th of April.

The naval personnel would return and be made to recant all their recorded confessions of having trespassed on Iranian nautical territory; the tabloids would lay out full spreads of the gallantry of the lady and the men in the midst of enemy territory …

However, by the time the tabloids have unravelled this saga and milked every ounce of newsworthiness out of this farce, nothing great would have been achieved for Great Britain.

Well, I was wrong with my comments on Chxta's World; as we race for the lowest pits of ignominy; the Iranians are now going to oil up the paths that we do reach ignominy faster than anticipated.

They are now going to release their film of the capture of the personnel to counteract any inkling that any of the personnel were treated in anyway but nicely and humanely.

It would appear that the Iranians are still gong to trump the British in this propaganda game as it goes to expose the rank incompetence in both the Defence Ministry and Foreign Ministry, that of the naval personnel is a foregone conclusion.

In releasing both a CD and a book, I can almost bet on the editor of the film becoming the toast of film festivals around the world for best editing. Sadly, in this case, the naval personnel would have no mobile phone footage of their saga to challenge Iran’s sound and vision documentary of events.

Expect this film to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the most bootlegged film ever.

For once, even I cannot wait to see the footage as the foolish British media find out that they have paid out large sums of money for piffle at first and that now they cannot get exclusives to the snippets of new Iranian film – The Brit babies do cry in Persia.

If the naval personnel had any dignity left, they would go quietly into obscurity before their private shame becomes a public stock and rotten eggs show.

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