Sunday 5 November 2006

Saddam's death - No open and shut case

One verdict before elections

And so they herald the sentencing of Saddam Hussein to death for the atrocities committed in Dujail, this as it appears would be by hanging when the military man would have preferred death by firing squad.

Though, cynically, this sentencing is quite aptly delivered just 2 days before the mid-term elections in the US, but it is unlikely to deliver the Republicans from the fate they would suffer in 48 hours, a possible loss of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Death before justice

As the rules of the court dictate, this sentence might be carried out in 30 days though allowing for appeals, it is unlikely that the sentence would be overturned.

The travesty of this whole matter would be that Saddam Hussein might be turning to dust long before all other atrocities are examined in the presence of the perpetrator.

Cynically, again, the people who helped draft the modus operandi of the court and its sentencing have primed this to just get rid of Saddam rather that get at the whole truth and help lead to the reconciliation of the Iraqis.

International crime in a national circus

This whole tripe about this being the ascendancy of the rule of law and the triumph of the Iraqi people cuts not muster, as one commentator said, the crimes Saddam committed were international crimes which can have been tried anywhere in the world, especially the Hague.

The charade and circus that the court had become could easily have been reminiscent of a kangaroo court, the quality of management in the court was for all intents and purposes below par, and it is arguable that any deliberation in a court where the country is in complete turmoil is tantamount to a miscarriage of justice.

All chaos after Saddam

The tyrant has been out of power for over 3 and half years, but that has not changed the life of Iraqis in terms of security, safety, infrastructure, stability or terror.

All George W. Bush has done is find another place where American blood can be shed by terrorists but not on American soil – this place is Iraq.

And I tell you this much, the death of Saddam Hussein would not quell things, before things get better, it might be that the gate of hell would be swung wider open and we all know Pandora’s box is not an open-and-shut case.


Saddam Hussein sentenced to death

Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush

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