Thursday 2 November 2006

The death of Nigerian Culture begins

A man of no honour

All the clamour for the sacking of the Nigerian Aviation Minister must have been too loud for the president to ignore.

The minister himself who lacks any kind of integrity or appreciation of responsibility depicted in what others might regard as “the buck stops here”, had before the launching of an investigation into the Sunday aircrash already blamed it on pilot error.

For someone who has the academic qualifications that seems to make a mockery of anyone who deigns to call themselves a professor, it is amazing that he has no inkling of what his brief is about and how to handle his office with the panache expected of a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Obviously, I am raising the bar too high by that turn of phrase in the last paragraph because it would appear there has only been one minister ever in that country who has had the dignity to resign an appointment on a matter of principle talk less of dereliction of duty or possible criminal culpability.

Presiding over the damage of education

The problem really is that the hapless, incompetent, bumbling and sycophantic professor who as the Education Minister presided over great unrest in our education system that universities were closed for months on end due to arrant arrogance rather than conciliation and negotiation probably contributed in no small measure to ruining an already debilitated condition in our educational services.

How is it that a professor, a leader in a tertiary institution, accorded the honour of managing the educational system and raising the standards of the same; cannot seize the opportunity to make a difference for the positive?

You have to ask Professor Babalola Borishade, he must have an answer to that question.

Yet, the president kept faith in this failure and apology to progress, so rather than calling time on him, moved him to the Ministry of Aviation.

The grim-reapership of Borishade

A ministry that was in the throes of death, where the national carrier had been discredited internationally and a cabal of former ramshackle bus transport (molue – a transport contraption with a name that is the corruption of “maul it down” – depicting a lack of brakes, service or safety) entrepreneurs had moved up-market by adding wings to their molues such that they could masquerade as aircraft – aircraft rejected by madmen in the West with over 20 years service.

A molue courtesy of etomi - Just imagine this with wings

As it transpired the lack of accountability, reform, managerial responsibility and oversight under the grim-reapership of Professor Borishade created four mass coffins in 1 year and 6 days – it had become completely untenable to keep that harbinger of death in the Aviation Ministry – he just had to go – he has gone.

The death of our culture

Well, not really, he has now been moved to the Ministry of Culture – Here is to the death of culture in Nigeria – the bearer of the death mask just arrived.

I can say no more, whatever is between the president and this rotten man is definitely in need of serious scrutiny – it is more than meets the eye.


Nigerian aviation minister sacked - well, not really

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