Thursday 17 December 2020

The walking exercises still matter

The exercise continues

Since my arrival in South Africa, I have managed to get my daily 10,000 steps done apart from on Tuesday when I was 1,400 steps short of the target. I do not want to exert myself too much to catch up with the lean week before when I more or less self-isolated before my journey to ensure I did not, unfortunately, come in contact with any situation that could lead to an unfavourable test result.

Much as I would have liked to do the early morning walks, I needed to chart a course, and until today, the target had been reached by reason of the walks to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront mainly. I have not been able to set a course for the promenades of Sea Point through Mouille Point to the Foreshore. It has been quite windy where we are that the need for the sea breeze is moot.

A route planned out

Yesterday, I found a route to the Company Gardens away from the busier parts of town and that became my traipsing corridor this morning. I am still suffering from some discomfort down that back of my thigh to just behind the knee where nerve ends or tissue are irritated that I am half limping but not hobbled, I can still trek at speed and work through the pain. I think this calls for a professional massage.

The length of the arterial path through Company Gardens is just over a kilometre long and I have found a route that makes a two-kilometre round trip, the return trip to my apartment being 2 kilometres and three circuits of Company Gardens gives me just over 8 kilometres and around 11,000 steps in around 75 minutes. Anything else later in the day becomes a bonus.

The mornings are quite warm, I need to take more water and have a face towel to hand. I am probably a spectacle of a man who is neither jogging nor walking, handling my cane just in case it is needed somewhere in my pursuits, we strive still to keep fit. How is it that this apartment does not have a scale? Maybe the obsession with weight needs to be less so at this time.

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