Wednesday 2 December 2020

Home and away with József Szájer

25 men in the buff

The amiable and extroverted József Szájer from Hungary would easily have been unknown to me or many other people until he broke the lockdown rules in Brussels and that would have meant nothing, he was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and should have gotten a get out of jail free card with his diplomatic passport.

However, with a slightly closer look at this matter reveals that Jozsef has been a very naughty boy, he apparent clambered down a gutter from the window of a first floor apartment, which apparently was above a gay bar, but let us not jump to unfounded conclusions, but it was where a party of 25 naked men had gathered for everything left to our imagination.

A big boy about

When the police apprehended Jozsef, he had on himself, a rucksack full of narcotics that he avers he did not use, and I believe him, quite absolutely. If there was anything to spice up this story, he has been married to Tünde Handó, a jurist since 1983 and they have a 33-year old daughter, Fanni Szájer, whose paternal grandmother is Edit Kiss. All names that might travel well in Hungary but will run the gauntlet of humour you cannot squelch from an English perspective.

One can assume that 25 nude men in an apartment are just admiring who is the bigger boy along with discussing the physics, chemistry, or even the biology of piston mechanics. That anyone would implicate these fine men in activities of a lewd or sexual nature would be beyond the pale.

Saint at home, a sinner abroad

Yet, one must not overlook that Jozsef of a right-wing persuasion helped make the life of people who are not heterosexual unbearable, intolerable, impossible, threatened, and precarious in Hungary whilst living free to explore all sorts of proclivities in Belgium. It is not like he had committed a grievous sin until it appeared that he might have been living a double life, one at home in Hungary and another away in Belgium, and by all respects, this looks a bit hypocritical if not downright atrocious, for which, very little sympathy will be present and forgiveness is far from view.

As so, Jozsef quite suddenly and almost quietly, immediately resigned his posting to Brussels and sought to put it all behind him, but not that easily, on the part of his family, he does need to mend relationships, but for the others that have suffered for his politics and policies, he will walk the path of notoriety, ignominy and infamy, and much more besides. Shame on him. Maybe the title of the blog should have read crudely, Homo and a gay with József Szájer.

[The Guardian: Right-wing Hungarian MEP resigns for attending 'sex party' that broke Belgian lockdown]

[EuroNews: Brussels 'sex party': Hungarian MEP József Szájer fled along a gutter with drugs in backpack]

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