Tuesday 27 October 2020

We are destined for great things

Let it rain with life

There are days and quite a few when I have walked into the rainfall, pelted by heavy showers and buffeted by the wind. You wrap up warm and face the elements to fulfil your walking quota for the day. Sometimes, you wonder why you do it, then you realise determination is the stuff getting done what needs doing regardless of the prevailing circumstances.

For the ease of many things that I dream of and quite desire, I wish for a windfall, more substantial that the rain that falls upon my barely weathered brow by which I can touch many and bring ease to burdens that weigh down and aspirations that remain the stuff of thoughts limited by ability or resource. You believe that the heavens will open and bring forth blessings like the floods of Noah, but what is a world where only you and yours exist in an ark?

Then we reign with plenty

Beyond those near heavens that brings forth the rain and gives life to the trees that presage the windfall of bountiful fruit. The universe offers a greater spectacle of awe and wonder, a meteor shower. The glow and glitter, the experience like once in a lifetime markedly giving you a memory never to be forgotten.

This is the stuff of stories, what we view of the world and beyond, the reach which is given provenance as the seeds of stories that blow your mind. It is more than rain, it helped by the wind, and when all that is gone, we behold a universe so distant brought near by the light it possesses. Neither the moon, the sun nor the stars can rival the coming of the meteor.

It becomes the sign of the times, a marker in the eternal spectrum of time, that is the blessing that fills our lives and makes a wonder of our very own stories. Let the writing begin, for we are here to tell better stories.

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