Friday 30 October 2020

Writing for a possibility

Getting to a number

The last time I wrote this many blogs (298) in a year was in 2011, and only once have I written more blogs and that was way back in 2007, so, this is some sort of notification of an achievement.

It was in March that I found myself writing at least one blog a day until I broke my stride in August when I was dealing with an upsetting stalking activity. It is my hope that it is now behind me, as the stalker did decide to call themselves off their obsession, just at the time that I lodged a report and obtained a case number from the police.

Maybe it can be done

Since then, I have tried to write a number of blogs to match the number of days in the month, even if I do not write every day. It is not an easy task, you try to have completely formed ideas or good inspiration to put something down and I know I am not always successful.

This blog for instance is just a self-congratulatory blog that is not even a record. If I were to do that, I will have to write another 103 blogs in the next 62 days. It is possible, and it would probably take Brian feeding me the lines to make a muddle and a jumble of incoherence that might pass for a blog.

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