Friday 8 November 2013

Thought Picnic: Finding purpose in the therapy of my blogs

My unsure person
I attended my second session of freeform therapy this morning where we covered so much ground I have to reflect to understand where we are heading.
We started with discussing my interview concerns that left me a lot less confident about my prospects and the steps I was taking to ameliorate the situation.
How I feel
Then the clinical psychologist reviewing much of what I said from my writings to my lived experiences noted themes of humanity, compassion and introspection. We need to work on these elements of my predisposition to see where we need to go.
She felt I am beginning to build structures and move away from the ruinous losses than have defined the past few years. We need to find ways to take the positives expressed and use those to find more purpose in life.
The place of blogging
Whilst I do not appear to devote much time to thinking or meditation, my blogging is a channel, the way it feels I am like a man possessed when I write has qualities we need to explore.
However, the way I view things is about the story, a long story of human experience where I learn, appreciate, understand and share using the narrative talent I have in the hope that it helps someone else.
Unsure but assured
It will soon come together but as I think about the last two sessions, the next appointment might explore these issues better – I do not know where we are going yet, but I think it is all useful still.
There are discussions we have having I will never manage on a blog or with people, I already know. I am assured there are benefits to being able to share all and bare all with a professional as they help the understanding to better handle issues.
It is early days yet.

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