Wednesday 27 November 2013

Thought Picnic: Encounters in telephony for access

Nebulous enquiry
Attending interviews are almost a stress elevating activity that one wonders how to scale that hurdle in a market where the employer has choices.
As it transpired, from the interviews slots on offer, the first was selected and the round of questions began with as vague as possible enquiries about experience that answering questions were difficult.
Much as interviewers are already in the system, the need to school them in proper interview technique might be missed and in the process what might appear as an excellent performance on telephone might not be a demonstration of the wealth of experience.
Whilst the CV is quite clear on the particular skills on sale, the questions seem to ignore that context though it has been reviewed before a shortlist elects to engage you in discussion.
Breaching the gate
The sometimes insurmountable are questions that derive from everyday practical experience of the interviewer, which may never have been encountered by the interviewee. Some solutions are never needed until one is met with a problem demanding that solution amongst many.
Nothing can simulate enough the demands of some of these questions and the lack of use depreciates in the memory, to fleeting, unsure and seemingly badly delivered answers belying a sense of lacking in confidence.
One cannot afford to be fearful, at the same time one just needs the chance beyond the gate to prove that one is much beyond the conversation had before.
The question is, how do you breach that to allow a greater conviction of who and what you are?

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