Friday 31 October 2008

Nigeria: Free Jonathan Elendu Now!

Freedom still matters

I do not know if this campaign is still apt but there is still a clamour for freedom.

I have just read Jonathan Elendu’s report [1] of his ordeal at the hands of the state apparatus for unwarranted inconvenience where he was detained in solitary confinement for 7 days and eventually for 12 days in all.

He has been released and he has received medical attention and hopes to eventually get to see his medical doctor in the States.

All his property is still in the hands of the State Security Service such that he wrote his report from a borrowed computer.

A completely free man

He has not indicated whether his passport has been returned or not, though he is not in possession of his green card, but I am hopeful that that his situation would improve to the extent that he would become a completely free man, free of duress, free of menace, free to go about his activities and free to collect his property without suffering any further loss and free to return to his home base in the United States.

Most of all, Mr. Elendu believes he has a renewed calling to embark even more fervently on his journalistic career whilst expressing gratitude for the support that welled up for his release.

Freedom from undue harassment

His release is not complete and his freedom is not fully assured till he receives an undertaking not to be unduly harassed by the authorities, till they clearly explain why they were interested in him, and until they either charge him with an offence or offer a completely unreserved public apology for the ordeal he was put through.

The case for restitution and compensation can be made and should be pursued, if no charge is made; that power can be abused like this is unfortunate, atrocious and unconscionably repugnant, but I would not hold my breath for heads to roll or punishments to be meted out.

It remains a most fervent desire and cry - FREE JONATHAN ELENDU NOW!


[1] Elendu Reports - Thank You

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