Monday 12 January 2004

How to brew a conspiracy

The boss is up to no good
This was in the making for quite a while, that is was all coming together now was no surprise to all affected, but why?
Well, January is the time of yearly Performance Reviews in our organisation; yet, the characteristics that govern our execution or rather muddling and fumbling through projects are evident in performance review workflow.
The logic really follows that one should not expect that phase to run counter to the grain, especially if you are not if you are not on the greasy pole of corporate enhancement.
Being a time when managers exercise the most latitude without giving anything away, the dissimulation beggars belief, thinking you are hoodwinked, everyone can see the lie as well as you will see the enemy coming if you were atop a mountain – from all direction in which your gaze is cast.
The notices about the review arrived about two months before, but no stirrings to act until five days before the deadline.
The more perceptive of us had asked HR if this issue had been shelved, the advice came to be patient, because the whole process now in motion would impinge on us like an avalanche.
Therefore, it did on Monday with the proviso that further information about the review would follow. It did not.
Always be prepared
Having seen other teams obtain forms in preparation, which were filled in well before the meetings, the boss became accountable for not allowing us that level of preparation.
Being a master of the black arts of management, with the preparedness that foxes the fox that the hounds caught; the race was over by the time the gun went in a short sprint when his head start was at the finishing line. A victory lap he does, you bemoaning your tardiness.
Our team holds the initiative for all innovation, so in spite of the apparent lapse on his part, we surreptitiously obtained the form anyhow from others and prepared.
Herein is the conspiracy, fuelling resentment, bitterness, anger, retribution bordering on a compulsive obsession to unleash a self-destruct move.
Our man in the echelons of power knew we take time to prepare to meet with him, and when on projects or official issues he is not remiss to desiccate and pulverise, the individual has more control over this personal subject with the right to refuse to endorse an unfavourable agreement.
An option includes bringing in HR for arbitration, not good for either party.
However, lest one succumbs to the pervasive hypnosis brought on by praise that is damning if objectively reviewed, alertness to the facts with a waver of thought becomes a focal issue.
To forget is human
For the boss to gain ascendancy in such a way as to be able to withhold rightful remuneration is poor, though the game of subtlety involved is not for the faint-hearted or boys.
In the end, it had slipped his mind, not before everyone had their heads shaking in disgust and the quest for the counsel of the wise left one rueing one's potent ability to generally think things through and avoid the concealed disaffection, which masquerades as respect.
Ready, we were for the day and for those who battled, some drew blood, but none was harmed.
The day after is a tomorrow of promise, the promises you have made to yourself and not the ones about to be broken in the heat of your ego being massaged.
Temperament Sorters and Personality questionnaires
For one, before such assessments, one reviews once again the personality of I using the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II – An Artisan Performer one is, but do not believe that one is that much an extrovert, appearances are usually that deceiving.
The temperament sorter provides a free mini-result, but the full analysis costs about $15 and is well worth it.
One's Temperament is Artisan (SP) and the Character Type (ESFP); more detail is available on The Keirsey Home page.
An additional sorter based on the original results to define your kind of career aspirations is obtainable from your profile page for under $20.
One has found this useful and is no sales pitch.

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