Thursday 22 December 2011

The day after 46 with gratitude

Yesterday came and went, auspicious and ordinary, hopeful and indifferent but in all grateful, happy and feeling generally good.
For the first time in my many years of blogging I failed to post a blog, I probably felt a bit inspired but less compelled. There was nothing expected and nothing planned just a day to remember, another milestone of age in my sometimes interesting and eventful life.
All that was made up for by the many greetings and wishes I received on Twitter, on Facebook, by email, on the phone, by text message and by person – colleagues, trainers and staff here in India.
My mother called and sang to me, so did my sisters, all with interesting variants of the Happy Birthday song, the not so impresario in me thought we might just make a birthday album.
It all, it was a quiet day, a thankful day with some reflection and a touch of reality to ground me and hopefully regain focus and purpose.
And so, as I marked 46 and I have begun the 47th year of my life, hopeful, expectant and determined to make the best of every opportunity I have to be a better man and do things better.
My most heartfelt thanks to everyone one who brought a smile to ward away the tumult, uncertainties and distress.
Thank you all.

1 comment:

Nosakhare said...

hi Akin,
Congrats on your birthday.I wish to draw your attention to a goldmine that exists here in Nigeria.If well tapped it can lead to poverty eradication and empower a lot of people who can think out of the box or see what others cannot see.Please log on to for more details

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