Friday 2 December 2011

Thought Picnic: A New Chapter - The Voyage

It starts

The journey begins and for me, it is one of a lifetime, one in which I will be moving completely out of the time zones that I have resided in all my life, one in which I am laying foundations for a future, one in which change will bring greater change and amazing adventure.

It is not a holiday, it is work; from Monday I will actively be doing 8-hour days of study for 6 days a week for 26 working days to prepare myself for the market in 2012.

All this in planning for less than a month but with a determination that can only have been divinely inspired, amazing favoured by men and encouraged by many that wish me well.

Incredible India

I set off to India, it was desire originally hatched over 2 years ago but one I could never have physically been able to do because that was when my health was failing and it did deteriorate to a point that I was literally within weeks of demise.

But I was lifted up and given a new lease of life and I have many to thank, my God, my doctors, my nurses, my friends, my well-wishers and many others whose thoughts and prayers have girded me up.

I now know that nothing works like an idea whose time has come, despite the obstacles and the hurdles, many that easily allowed for despair, discouragement and disappointment but all of which we can with the right mind-set refuse to give opportunity to become the main narratives of our lives.

So, my friends; keep me in your thoughts and prayers on this part of my odyssey. Thank you.

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