Wednesday 27 January 2021

Self-Isolation - X

The walks have resumed

Today would have been the last day of the legally imposed 10-day self-isolation period for those of us who had returned from high-risk countries with mutations of the Coronavirus had I not been invited for the International Entrant Test last Thursday which yielded a thankfully negative result on Sunday. How would I have coped?

Whilst the opportunity to get out has been welcome, I have not returned to my walking exercises with much gusto or been able to rise early to the routine that gave me a good 10-kilometre workout before I resume work at 8:00 AM. Haphazard as it has been, I am getting some done and despite the lean week of an average of 2,207 steps daily, last week, not only will I exceed the 10,000 step threshold, I hope to keep it above that for the month of January.

Just a thought

Obviously, the other things remain a concern, pace, lethargy, and not to forget, weight, they will all sort themselves out eventually. It just occurred to me that when South Africa opened its international borders for first business travellers and then leisure ones, visitors from the UK were barred from coming because we were a high-risk country with considerably more deaths than South Africa.

The way the virus has swept through both countries put us all on banned travel lists of many other countries quite wary of inviting more transmissible and virulent strains into their territories. Now, the UK stands at 101,887 deaths and 5th overall with other countries as the USA, Brazil, India, Mexico that have breached the 100,000 mark. South Africa is 14th with 42,550. The sorrow and tragedy that has cast a pall upon our lands is indescribable. That by God, the souls of the dearly departed shall not have died in vain.

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