Friday 5 February 2010


Times looking good

These are no times of lack, they are times of plenty, not times of want but times of availability and in these times of need I have indeed got friends, many friends.

I am blessed with friends so many, some I have known so long, some I have met before, some I have hardly met and others I have never met but they all have blessed me, favoured me, supported me, lifted me and saved me in desperate times especially.

New shoes to fit

Once I found it difficult to deal with sick friends but when I fell sick I knew just how much I needed friends and many came to my aid in my vulnerability and frailty – I could not have done anything without them, without family or relations, friends were all I had.

Did I think the almost impossible for friends at one time in the hope that it was great encouragement, I probably did, but when I wore different shoes there was much encouragement but beyond the pace at which I could move things did at times seem impossible.

In all, friends have called and visited, they written and spoken, they have prayed and encouraged, they have done much more too, they have become practical and involved, felt my pain, felt my need, assuaged my pain and met many needs.

And so I have received many gifts, gifts for all sorts of situations, very useful, very handy, very needed, very now, I cannot be thankful enough that by friends my blog remains active, by friends I eat good meals, by friends my major communications needs have been restored – I spoke, they heard, they listened, they acted and offered practical, useful and timely solutions.

If he knew why

In one place, the world seemed such a small place, the tiller just returned from where I was born, how uncanny that it would happen where a friend was meeting one need, at another the tiller shook his head with disdain that I had not paid a bill for five months – it probably never occurred to him that there might be reasons, but those reasons he would never appreciate.

His advice however lead me back to the first tiller who again attended to me with concern and sympathy, he probably knew there were reasons why some bills do not get paid for months, young as he was, he definitely was wise so my final words to him were, cherish good health and guard it well.


As the day closed, services once lost got restored all because I have friends, people who chose to stand with me and walk with me in my time of great need. Thank you and may I be more a friend to you in gratitude, in truth and in love, it is an aspiration and I am challenged by your generosity of spirit and selflessness.

To all my friends in need who really have been friends in deed. Thanks and God bless you.

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