Monday 26 January 2009

Dressed so gay as bad straight laws oppressed

Dressing creatively from depravity

Just around the time that America was being regaled with the sophistication of creativity, Nigeria was engaged in legislating for supposed depravity [1].

Now, there are very few who were not wowed by dress Michelle Obama wore [2] for the inaugural balls and as it transpired the maker of the gown found himself hoping from cloud to cloud in ululation as his handiwork debuted on the world stage of fashion that matters.

In passing, he was at home with his boyfriend as the First Lady was out partying with her husband.

It is ironic that a country that would not offer equal rights in marriage to same sex couples finds themselves in awe of the creative genius of someone who might well want his relationship to accrue the same rights as any traditional relationship.

Sermon on two mounts

Back in Nigeria, the legislature finally passed the Same Gender Prohibition Bill [3] which portends to criminalise homosexual relationships with the view to protecting society.

It is laughable that in a country where the police are at pains to solve obvious and blatant crimes that an armed robber turned into a goat that ended up in custody, they now have laws to enter the bedrooms of people participating in the consummation of their love because the tyranny of the majority has been inspired to terrorise the minority.

This legal framework no doubt stems from bigoted religious beliefs rooted in Levitical law [4] applied to others as it were at the mount where people gathered trembling in fear and loathing but seeks the blessings of the Sermon of the Mount [5] when it comes to themselves.

The abuse of democratic process

It is odious to have a situation where the machinery of democracy is co-opted as an instrument for the legislation of morality in aid of religious myopia that does nothing to promote harmony in the community.

Meanwhile, innocent people who just happen to be homosexuals in pursuit of their own happiness are now open to unnecessary persecution for seemingly victimless crimes as criminals are allowed to shape shift through society and go scot free to eventually become the rich and powerful with unaudited sources of wealth and able to peddling immoral influence on the gullible and hapless many.

This is no just cause and it can bear no justice, homosexuals as it was glaringly evident at the inaugural ball can be creative, able and worthwhile members of society.

Allow men to thrive

Jason Wu [6] is a world citizen of sorts who born Taiwanese, lived in Canada, studied in Tokyo and Paris and makes a successful career in the United States. He learnt to sew at 9 and by 17 was the creative director of a major toy company, the money he made from that venture went into creating his own fashion line [7] and his success brought on the interest in his designs that have now been modelled and showcased by the First Lady.

That he happens to be homosexual [8] is completely beside the point, the fact is our humanity has a lot to offer the generations in which we exist and to abrogate the pursuit of happiness of others for the satisfaction of the moral bigotries of those who can wield power without any concern for others is atrocious in the least.

Many men like Alan Turing [9] whose contribution to the development computer science was legendary and like many who had much to offer the world have been harassed out of their creative minds and fallen to the persecution of the mob who have the least to make our world a better place than to create more division, more fear, more terror and more disagreement as a sop to protecting our collective morality.

The need to real legislation

If we really need to protect our collective morality the areas of legislation required are in child sexual abuse, the sexual harassment of women, the protection of the rights of the minority, the freedom of information and the right to pursue our happiness without the untrammelled interference of the law.

These issues would be too tough for our legislators to tackle because their so-called religious morality does not really have much to offer in terms of concern, consideration, compassion or comfort for the poor, the afflicted, the abused, the voiceless or the oppressed.

We are herded into a moral debate as a cohesive force of unity without any hope for really useful change for Nigeria or Nigerians at large.


[1] The Sun News On-line: Reps vote against gay marriage

[2] Michelle Obama: Guide to the First Lady's fashionable looks – Telegraph

[3] The Same Gender Prohibition Bill – Black Looks

[4] The Old Law - Mosaic & Levitical Law

[5] Sermon on the Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[6] About Jason

[7] Jason Wu Studio

[8] Michelle Goes Gay |

[9] Alan Turing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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