Tuesday 16 December 2008

Swaffelen is the Dutch word of the year

The Dutch amuse

Living in the Netherlands offers its bouts of seriousness and levity as people engage in activities that leave us expatriates amazed, astonished, aghast, amused, appalled or abashed.

This one that I write about takes it to another level of concealed lewdness that juxtaposes the supposed Calvinist roots of the Dutch with a secret appetite for the lascivious.

The authoritative dictionary publishers Van Dale fed into the Dutch propensity for end-of-year lists and nominations which resulted in a word being selected as the Dutch word of the year.

Amorously attracted to India

Swaffelen took 57% [1] of 16,000 votes and somehow the organisers of this nomination frenzy cannot explain why this word seemed to make it to the top.

Swaffelen is as verb by reason of the –en suffix but it is not a Dutch word per se, it has for some reason become common usage if not impolite when used.

It owes its notoriety to the filming of an event where a Dutch student was arrested for swaffling against the Taj Mahal in India.

Slapped across the face in titillation

I would not suggest my readers know the meaning of the word swaffle but the urban dictionary [2] gives a very phallic connotation of the male member being slapped forwards and backwards against a partner’s face.

In other cases, it is allowing the repetitive whipping of the male member on something for stimulation of self or the pleasure of others, a liberal dose of which might be orgasmic – the Dutch lexicographers have gone into overdrive looking for homonyms in other languages.

It reads like one would want to swaffle only to realise that you are not at a delicatessen but you have already produced a serving of thin-sliced phallic salami (mind what participates in a swaffle) – I grab the parts for a miraculous rescue of the mythically renowned endowments of the negroid.

I may never understand the Dutch but if swaffelen is what excites them, male and female together – each to their own – my word of the year would most certainly be Reprobates!


[1] Swaffelen is Dutch word of the year – Expatica

[2] Urban Dictionary: swaffle

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