Tuesday 24 March 2015

Thought Picnic: On disinterested persuasive justifications

Sometimes, I am not nearly as convinced to persuade anyone of any view, even if I feel quite strongly about a situation.
One such situation was at work where the motivation for my being at a place would have best been made by those who by all means knew and saw that need. Yet, they decided to foist the need for that justification on me.
For months, I had argued that if they could not see the need, then they did not have the need, even if every conversation and conference we have had reinforced the need to do something proactive and get to a decision to have me over.
It came to a head when I pressed the necessity whilst expressing a disinterest which to one manager sounded like I was contradicting myself, and I was not. There was work to be done and I was ready to go anywhere to get the job done, however, that I was ready to go should not be read as the enthusiasm to travel – to me, there was no confusion in that differentiation.
In the end, I wrote a justification split into two parts, the first part comprised of single-line persuasive points, 7 of them with the last point being, and ‘It is best practice.’
The second part was more like a discourse fleshing out the first part, with analogies, examples and stressing the fact that we have had missed opportunities.
I left the email to cool for a few days and asked some colleagues to give it a once over. I got a response from one and promises from another without result.
A few more ideas floated into my mind and this morning I decided to put together the full justification and I copied in all the people I report to.
On review, I learnt that my points were a lot better than anything else they had thought of putting together. It would appear it is no more a question of if, but when.
Meanwhile, I am not holding my breath. When they are ready, they will let me know. A reasoned out justification is usually enough persuasion for anything, whether it features in the consideration to ensure what is required and desired is done, is another thing. At least, do the bit you’ve been asked to do, plant the seed and watch it germinate and grow.

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