Wednesday 19 March 2014

Thought Picnic: Frustrate your frustrations and live well

Don’t let it
Over time you learn that the last thing you to be hampered by is frustration.
Yet, there are many things to frustrate you daily in all endeavours that you need to put things in perspective.
Perspective comes from knowledge of what you can control, what is out of your control, what is open to negotiation and what is not.
Do let it
Each situation is a test of your resolve and outlook, if you are able to keep your calm or find an outlet for the pent-up emotions, you are probably on to a winner already.
How you choose to express yourself to others in speech or writing can reveal a lot about you and your mind-set.
Taking a break from that environment for a walk and some thinking time might well have you back, the better and confident that you can handle frustration and whatever else might accompany it.

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