Monday 2 July 2012

Thought Picnic: That Kick to be Delivered to my Behind

Have I lost it?
“So, they are going to give you a kick in the butt to get a job,” he said in jest but the seriousness and the deep meaning of that statement left me wondering days after what I might have been doing wrong.
Have I since become work-shy, half-driven but hardly determined and basically lazy over time such that I have not been trying hard enough to find a job?
I suppose that will be a question that will haunt me for long enough as I review how I have literally lost everything just because there was no job to keep all that I once had.
Changing perspectives
What once looked like strategy is no more sound, but I believe we go through a constant process of reinventing ourselves in the hope that we remain relevant, useful and fulfilling in everything we embark on.
It has looked like I have to now de-emphasise the technical aspects of my expertise since there has not been enough practice in that area and give more emphasis to the my experience in general a wealth of experience that had me tackle some interesting questions I faced when chatting to a start-up recruitment agent.
Adapting to circumstances
She talked first about my age noting that many people in start-ups are quite young. I immediately responded that Larry Page & Sergey Brin of Google brought on Eric Schmidt, and whilst Mark Zuckerberg is the face of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg was brought in – in terms, start-ups need the gentle hands and head of “adult supervision.”
Then she said I looked very formal – someone does have to keep up the standards but at the same time business people when interacting with start-ups like to meet up with people who are naturally business-like.
To the one of my never having worked in a start-up before, having worked in 3 countries and about 8 different industries, my flexibility and adaptability makes me best suited for a start-up environment which is usually composed of people with ideas they are convinced have a market.
The process of reinvention should however continue until the right fit and opportunity match to create a semblance of work satisfaction. Whether I need a kick in the butt to get that job is something I am probably prepared to explore too.
Thank you.

1 comment:

Codliveroil said...

You have lost nothing, everything and more is in tact. Keep persevering.

I'm in a worse position, I'm qualified but lack experience, and am in the same age bracket as you. More qualifications without experience, is not the answer. Applying for jobs, I only know some of what they want, not all. I have been going for apprenticeships because of that, but again no luck (I'm too old). I have volunteered recently and made a significant contribution, but again that makes no impression on my cv.

I'm thinking of how to get past this. They keep advertising that there are 500 000 jobs in the UK in IT, but it seems none for me.

I'm finding it hard to stay positive, when surrounded by people who are at best ambivalent about my fate.

Never mind, I will continue.




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