Tuesday 6 March 2012

Introducing Akin Consults Blog

Introducing Akin Consults blog @ forakin.com
I have been blogging for over 8 years but it has been about all sorts of issues, a broad spectrum that covers the trivial, through life stories and experiences, human rights and much else that catches my fancies under the byline “About things too concerning to ignore”
I have now decided to start a new blog with a bit of a profession and technical leaning, more pertaining to work-life and sharing my experiences about things I have done, tinkered with or insights into career life and what other issues might be related to that.
It is called Akin Consults at http://forakin.com, hosted on Blogger and I obtained a free domain name from CO.CC, sadly, this service went down after a few months that I had to change to Daily which is now TSOHost which also offers a simple set of instructions on how to register the domain with Blogger.
Related items I have written before on this blog have been copied to the new blog, the look is still being finalized but feel free to comment with opinions, insights and ideas.
Thank you.

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