Thursday 10 March 2011

Thought Picnic: I think I need therapy

The rough seas of life

Beneath this sometimes affable and suave exterior is a man, flesh and blood, emotional, sentimental, feeling and affected, much as he can be objective, logical, clinical and almost unaffected.

The battles that rage in the mind between the obvious circumstances and the crazy optimism waiting to erupt out to overwhelm the issues that encircle, you wonder.

You wonder do you have the strength to weather the storms; do you have the resolve to stand the test of the times?

These times have to be temporary or all hope is lost, but what length of time is enough for a man to endure?

The edges of time

Before the fears envelop you there is that reinforcement that rises from within like a niggling awaiting the time to persuade you that the fight is really in you and many a time you have met with seemingly dire situations and come through.

But the time that dulls the pain is also the time that chisels at those things that make you confident, able and extrovert in the things that make up your force of personality.

That is the time that you realise you might be vulnerable, the issue of mortality is in the background though every indication is one’s health is holding up really fine.

I think I need therapy

It was 11 years ago that I found that chatting to an occupational psychotherapist might just give some perspective on my situation which was assumed to be suffering a mid-life crisis 10 years early.

I think I need to chat to a professional, I need to get a lot of stuff off my chest, I need to talk, in other words, I need therapy – the question is …

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