Thursday 12 August 2010

The Quinquennial Amsterdam Sail Event Arrives Outside

Change we cannot avoid
My neighbourhood is changing and it would be changed for a little longer than 5 days in just about a week.
The signs are appearing and the signs are there, crowd control barricades, towering structures for big signs and more, roads to be closed, pontoons to be erected, a bridge to be removed and houseboats to dock elsewhere.
It happens quinquennially and in 2005 we had 2.5 million footfalls in this vicinity, it could well be more this year and I wonder if we are prepared for the crowds and the inconveniences.
To the force of the wind
I live at the Amsterdam Eastern Docklands, it used to be part of the old Amsterdam sea port but it has been gentrified with architectural edifices that draw crowds of tourists and most especially students of design and architecture.
The waters outside my apartment block would host Sail Amsterdam 2010 [1] from the 19th of August to the 23rdinclusive.
Tall ships, naval ships, replicas and yachts from all around the world would on the first day sail in formation like a great regatta through the North Sea Canal and berth on the IJ River and the IJ harbour in what would be the biggest free event in Holland.
Advantage small shop
The takeaway shops have been shoving junk mail in my letterbox informing of their amazing junk food deals and anyone who has as much as a button to pawn would probably deign to take advantage of the situation.
It is one special event that we might well savour and enjoy with the amazing views that would be offered from my 7th floor apartment.
Ahoy! Seadogs - Anchors aweigh!

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