Monday 21 May 2007

A mars a-whey

Me teeth do meat and leaf

I am what you might call traditional, I have dentition as an omnivore to eat my food - plant and flesh - and digest that to provide nutrients to my body.

When I was a kid, we had such a large expanse of land around our house, cattle grazed on the grass that stretched down to the forbidden paddocks - left behind after tin and columbite had been mined exhaustion.

Many a cow would lie down chewing the cud , a regurgitant of previously eaten grass before it can be digested; they have the dentition for that, they are herbivores - imagine human-beings re-eating throw-up - Oh! YUK! YUK! EUGH!

A bit of animal in my chocolate

You can see where this is going as I did not feel that much sympathy for the fact that Mars was ditching synthetic rennet for whey containing rennet found in the stomach of veal calves.

For me, that was a welcome development considering the amount of food additives and coal tar that enters our food to make it aesthetically pleasing to the eye above all else that matters with food.

Within days, Mars Inc. has reversed this decision - Bah! - profuse groveling apologies and all, because strict vegetarians donned the garb of the Disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells and flooded Mars with 6000 comments in days; 12 times the weekly volume.

How can a minority of people in what a less sympathetic blogger might class as ones with a nutrition-complex less sophisticated than that of a cow's create such a rumpus?

Well, they have and Mars will be hearing from those of us like a little bit of an animal in our chocolate. Meanwhile, I am so distraught; I would be having grass for dinner. (I love vegetarians, honestly!)

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