Saturday 28 January 2012

Thought Picnic: Straws and Ropes

Yearning to survive
It is probably a gift to know what appropriately suits the seasons though it is first of all important to know the seasons and when they change.
Thinking about this scenario one had to find ways to articulate the deep recesses of the mind and one or two analogies materialised.
The time to talk about mountain views is not when one is stuck in the valley, the perspectives are different and the state of the mind is such that all the optimism that can be mustered will not produce the refreshing blast of the mountain breeze.
Even more pertinently, if a man were drowning and clutching at straws for survival, it would seem strange if those on the banks of the river were attempting a rescue by asking the man to clutch at another straw; the man is no state to process that kind of information, no matter how advantageous, however, if those on the bank of the river threw in a rope, that situation will be compelling enough to make the man realise that it is an aid to safety.
Overwhelmed by situations crowding ones space, when you reach out it is unlikely that you have the ability to process ideas, there is a time for talk and there is another time to hug instead, if we make the mistake of not knowing the difference, you’ll be over the edge before the situation is redeemed.
I suppose it all makes sense with boxing, when the man is ready to throw in the towel, that is not the time to talk strategy about winning that match, it is already over and we just waiting for the bell.
Again, it is important for that team to know the difference because disaster looms and if that season is not recognised, that might well be the last boxing match ever.
Now one knows why it is not right for man to be alone because there are times when the ears and the tears need to be shared, just to take you out of the valley, to pull you out of the river, to calm you down in turmoil or to help you handle defeat without being totally defeated.
There is a season, know that season because it is only after you have been helped to survive that you can begin to thrive.

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