Sunday 5 February 2012

Thought Picnic: Thoughts of Thankfulness

A loneness and togetherness
There are times I have been threatened with the idea that I am alone and lonely in the things that I have seen and experienced.
Of a truth, in the realms that we majorly interact in, there are many that have suffered the privations and loneliness that I have encountered but few who can say they have through it all been blessed, small or large when things did not look like they could get any better.
Thankful always
For all the stories I can muster the strength to tell, the greatest is of thankfulness for the mercies I have received, the friendships that have come to the rescue when things were so dire and the life that has survived and thrived against all odds.
Gloomy as some days seem, there is a resilience I cannot explain and an assuredness that trumps all circumstances that says all that is contrary will pass and that which is of goodness will come.
Suddenly, great respite
God knows, there are things that I would rather have suddenly and come up with certainty but time is an elastic variable, when it is due, it will not shift, not for a second.
For those who have little and out of that have given much your brotherly love is greatly appreciated, I am grateful beyond words can express.
Thank you for reaching out and lifting me up.

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