Tuesday 6 June 2017

A deluge in the Lothians

From new moon to new moon,
Marvelled I at the city,
For not once did the eyes of heaven,
Shed a tear of nature,
The month of April thirsted,
When May shrivelled for the heat,
Told of a turning that never came,
My unbelief hardened by the day.

Then suddenly was a drizzle unexpected,
To hand a brolly to hold,
Then in a moment not too wet,
The petrichor rose to the nostrils,
Nature sweetly wafting a fragrance,
Of coolness fresh and life,
Then for many dawns beyond,
The damp was of the dew.

Cats and dogs will hide this time,
Whales will play tunes with their blowholes,
Edinburgh became heaven's drain,
The clouds flushed through without end,
Umbrellas tested by winds and gusts,
The dull became a sad pall of the horizon,
For to see not too far ahead,
This is not stopping for a while.

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